

Gradlab Gds Gradation Database System - Sieve analysis software

New single user licenses for standard systems are £700, optional modules are £200 each, the Dataset Sharing option is £100.

Options are 1) Aggregate Blending Module, 2) Blacktop Analysis Module, 3) Mix Design Database Module, 4) Cusum Control Module  5) Visual Inspection Database Module 6) Dataset Sharing option 7) OCL module

The standard system is viable, optional modules may be added to existing systems if and when required. Prices include user manuals and free telephone/ email support for 1 year, but are exclusive of installation, maintenance and customization of the software. Installation and routine maintenance are designed to be within the ability of users having basic computer knowledge.

After one year's free support an annual support agreement is offered. Annual support fees are calculated from 10% of the current value of the software in use. Upon continuation of support systems are typically upgraded to the latest version. A £65 administration charge is applicable to most maintenance related orders.

Prices and specification are subject to change without notice, please phone or email hugh at to confirm.